PA 2.5 – Neufahrn bei Freising
Neufahrn bei Freising is a community situated in the district of Freising (Landkreis Freising), which belongs to the administration district of Upper Bavaria (Regierungsbezirk Oberbayern). The pilot action area represents the drinking water protection zone of the water association Freising Süd in Neufahrn bei Freising, which has been established in 1992 with the primary goal to protect the well field Neufahrn from harmful impacts of anthropogenic activities.
Objective(s) of pilot actions / Aim of testing in the territorial level | The main objective is to construct a numerical model that implements the exploited aquifer systems, the existing land use activities, as well as the interaction between the groundwater and the surface waters, in particular the Isar river. |
Expected achievable results | A calibrated, hydrological model as described above to enable an evaluation of the impacts of different land use actions in the pilot area. |
Timeframe of implementation of achievable actions | Ongoing – December 2018. |
Expected benefits for national/regional stakeholders | The model represents a showcase scenario for similar catchments in Bavaria. Moreover, the final model constitutes an implementation example for modelling activities in other catchments. The model will be shared also with the WWA Munich (water authority) and LfU (Bavarian Environmental Agency), which are major stakeholder for the project. It will allow to better understand the interaction between surface water and groundwater in the area. This is of major importance due to the frequent occurrence of groundwater flooding. The model will be developed using the open source platform FREEWAT and the results will be made publically available both upon request and in scientific publications. Moreover, the case study is presented during the lecture “Integrated Water Resources Management” offered to about 100 Master students in environmental engineering of the Technical University of Munich. Some students have also the opportunity of writing their study projects, Bachelor and Master thesis in close collaboration with the stakeholders and on the pilot action. |
Expected benefits for local stakeholders | The model constitutes the BMP for the pilot area Neufahrn bei Freising that can be used for decision-making purposes in the pilot area beyond the project lifetime. The model is constantily developed in collaboration with the water supply association Freising Süd and a tight collaboration has been already established (co-supervision of study projects and master thesis, co-organization of field work). The preliminary and future model results will be shared with the local stakeholders, including the “environmental office of the community of Neufahrn b. Fresing” and representatives of the Bauern Verbund. The final version of the model will be shared also with the local stakeholders through the open source platform FREEWAT and a summary of the outcomes will be provided in a separate report in German. The model results can be further used by the stakeholders to improve water management, better plan the installation of new groundwater wells and a more sustainable urban development. In fact, the shallow groundwater table in the area poses a risk for groundwater flooding, water quality and water infiltration in buildings. |
Deliverables T2.1.2 can be found here: Transnational report about best management practices and annex 7: Best management practices in PA 2.5.
Deliverable T2.1.4 can be found here: Descriptive documentation about PA 2.5.
Deliverable T2.1.5 can be found here: Set-up report about adaptation of the transnational concept to PA 2.5.
Deliverable T2.2.2 can be found here: Partner-specific pilot action documentation.
Deliverable T2.3.1 can be found here: Evaluation report for each pilot action.